To Be Free (in honor of Prince Rodgers Nelson)

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What would it be like to be free?

To define your identity.  To dress or undress according to whim.  To wear your hair as you like.  To be man, woman, something in between, or not yet imagined.  To be not black, not white, brown, red, or yellow.  To be free of color or culture.  To just be.

To not be swayed by the judgments and condemnation of others, nor by their praise.  To do what you want and, if others like it, they can join you – or not.  To be strong enough to be who and what you want, whenever you want.

To be so very empowered that you can define yourself as something indefinable or unpronounceable and, because of that audacity, everyone willingly accommodates the symbol that you create for your identity.  To control your beingness and command honor and respect from all with whom you interact and engage.

To answer only to yourself and to whatever you define as your Higher Self.  To not have a Higher Self because you may at all times function as your Highest Self.  To reach the point of no separation and, therefore, have no language for the two that is One.

To be your own boss and generate your own income.

To create beyond what seems possible because you are so very unlimited.  To inspire others to fly, to think beyond, to go where no one will ever go because you are proof that one can have a unique expansiveness.

To break through boundaries and obstacles.  To rise above bullying, teasing, racism, sexism, ageism, any-ism because none of this can touch or hold back a shooting star.

To be so confident and assured that fear does not even occur to you or, if it comes near, you swat it away like a flea and continue on your glorious path.

To make the world adjust to your terms because everyone gravitates to a Free One because we all want to be free.  To be so free that those in your presence feel that sense of freedom and remember it and the happiness that it brought for years thereafter.

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Perceptions of Our Minds

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Being dependent on everything external allowed me to feel happy and fulfilled.  Being stripped of many material supports is teaching me to clearly see and comprehend the True Source of all that is; that everything that I had, have, and will have is but an expression of that Source; and that I am one with all that is – not better, not less than, but one with.

This concept is very hard for me to put into practice.  I think I’m getting better.  At least I’m aware.

We are all that we can be at this very moment.  It is good to strive to be and do more in order to move towards our promise and destiny.  However, being happy with the miracle of whatever is happening now can help create a happier tomorrow.

Temptations of the flesh are difficult to resist and overcome.  By temptations, I don’t only mean lust, greed, envy, or other such attractions.  I mean perceptions of the sense body.  We look at the material world as the source and end of everything with little or no regard to our spiritual origins, our command of energy, and our dominion.  We allow material existence (persons, places, and circumstances) to have power over us because we have forgotten the reality of our Higher Selves.  We have forgotten who and what we are.

We can become so involved with and drawn into the dramas and traumas of our loved ones, jobs, community, society, and world that we drift into negativity, forgetting that we are Spirit – clear, free, and unlimited.  In our essence, we are like air.  We forget that we are transcendent, that only the perceptions of our minds can entrap us, hold us, and imprison us.  That is the ultimate temptation of the flesh body.  We let the material world make us blind and deaf to our true nature and, thus, become bound to the earth.

The more status we give to tangible things and people, the more we forget that the Infinite even exists.  We drift further and further into anguish and hardship.  The day of reckoning always comes.  Judgment Day comes in different ways and times for each of us.  Cumulatively, all of our unhappiness makes it difficult for the great healers of the world to survive in physical form and help us through this medium.

Great joys come from being in the body.  However, the suffering of human existence becomes quicksand from which it seems impossible to emerge.  Constant struggle grounds one increasingly into the material and away from the reality and source of our being.

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Loving Me

Self Love theblacktribute

I was listening to Stranger in My House, sung by Tamia.  I have listened to this song countless times.  It talks about her lover who has changed so much that she no longer recognizes him.  This day, I heard words that I had not previously perceived, perhaps because my consciousness was receptive:

Could it be that the stranger is me?
Have I changed so drastically?
Is it I want more for me and you’ve remained the same?
Took awhile to figure out.


I started crying.  It’s me, not them!  I’ve changed.

The Universe is aligning and matching me with the value that I have placed on myself.   It is impossible for me to be involved with anything that is not compatible with my vibrational level.  I keep getting upset because some people are treating me differently.  We’re no longer as close as we used to be.  We’re having more conflict.  Maybe they’re treating me the same, but I’ve grown.  I’m new.  I’m not the person that I was.  I’m the stranger and they are behaving as they would with the former me and my new me no longer finds that acceptable.

I have begun to love myself not because of how I look or what I possess or what I’ve accomplished or because others say that they love me.  I love me because I AM ME!  I tell myself, “I love you. I love you.”  I remember how lovingly I renovated my mom’s house because I loved her.  I wanted her to be happy.  Her joy fulfilled me.  Well, I now love me.  I want me to be happy because of my joy.  How can I create love, how can I love others, how can I manifest anything positive if I don’t love me first?  As I have done for others, I need to do for me.

My love of me does not depend on whether or not others love me.  Valuing my worth has nothing to do with anyone.  It has everything to do with me.  I am going to be strong in this knowledge.  I need to shower every fear and every thought of lack and limitation with love.  I need to love all aspects of my life.

Our self-love is so dependent upon external factors: how we are raised or treated by family, friends, others; our financial status, our profession, our sense of security.  Adults commonly don’t feel self-love “just because.”  Just because we exist.  Just because we are awake.  Can we love ourselves for no reason at all?

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The Infinity of God

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I have visions of a past self.  I call her “the Priestess.”  She is able to directly connect with the Source.  I don’t yet have the name she and her people used.  Once, I sensed that she was reading my written intentions that I periodically state aloud after my meditations.  She expressed irritation at the part where I affirm that all of my bills are paid and my financial obligations are met.  The Priestess abruptly disappeared.

I was confused and, thereafter, asked her to tell me what I should instead be doing.  No answer.

During the next morning’s meditation, I focused my thoughts on God and the infinity of abundance and harmony.  As I continued to meditate on this infinity that is beyond comprehension, I thought of my list of items and suddenly understood.  The Priestess thought that my specific desires were a sign that I still did not comprehend God.  I had not evolved sufficiently to interact with her.

The infinity of God cannot be limited, contained within, or guided and directed by a list.

I began to focus on Infinity and remembered my past lessons when I understood that I became too focused on yoga, swimming, bicycling, etc., as my joy, instead of seeing them as instruments to access JOY or as manifestations of the Creative Energy working in and through me.

When I focus on lack, I focus on obtaining money and jobs instead of focusing on the Infinite Abundance within me and creating from that Assurance.

During my next meditation, I asked for guidance.  I began to silently say: “I see God.  I hear God.  I understand God.  I feel God,” and feel the corresponding eyes, ears, heart, and mind.  I meditated on these self-made mantras whenever I felt my thoughts wander.  I expanded to “I understand God (consciousness).  I receive God (cells).  I give God (exhaling).  This led to visualizing God flowing in and through me, as me.  I am God manifested.

I began to say, “I see God’s abundance.  I feel God’s abundance.  I hear God’s abundance. I understand God’s abundance.  I give and receive God’s abundance.  I thought of the boy in The Alchemist who turned himself into the wind.  Initially, I thought of God as having dominion over the wind.  As I continued to contemplate, I felt God as integrated within and throughout the wind.  God is the wind.  There is no separation.  The boy became aware of himself as God unseparated, God manifested.  He, thus, became aware that he was also the wind and, by this comprehension, was able to transport himself to another location.

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The Process of Change

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After creating through external means for years, I now want to see what happens when I instead bring forth the external through awareness and activation of my inner Resource. Committed to this experiment, I developed the following to facilitate my transformation:

Step 1.  What do I Want?

The first step is figuring out what I want.  Beyond the material things that I think will make my life easier – money, money, money – what I really want is peace.  I want less stress.   I want joy in my life.  I want to do what I want and not what I have to do to make ends meet.

I don’t want to keep repeating the same types of experiences over and over.  I want to learn the process of navigation, not simply how to handle a particular person or situation.  My goal is to externally express peace, joy, and fulfillment from my deep and abiding inner consciousness.

I now see that my anger and victim mentality, even if justified, created more stress.  By taking personal responsibility for my life, I am depending less on “them” and more on how I can bring more joy, peace, and security in my life. What can I do today to be happy? How can I better love myself?  Am I making decisions from joy or obligation?  What choices am I making that take me away from what I want?

Step 2.  Start Doing It

Start doing whatever it is that you want.  For me, I post Ancient Seeker every week.  Sometimes I’m late, but I make writing and posting a priority.  I practice yoga.  I meditate.  I swim and bicycle.  I prepare my own healthy meals.  My goals are to be more consistent; but, life intervenes, so I do at least one of these things every day.

Step 3.  Move Away From What is Not Supporting Me

Make choices about those with whom you associate, with whom you spend most of your time.  As much as possible, limit the presence of people who are determined to remain entrenched in negative thought, beliefs, behavior, and speech.  You don’t have to kick people out of your life, but you can minimize contact with those whose normality is creating tension, drama, demands, neverending rain, chaos, and neediness.  I know that some have pulled away from me because I’m not contributing to their lives and I completely understand and support their decisions.  Not everyone can hang through my metamorphosis.

If I am not strong enough to move myself upward while pulling someone else along, I have to let go and I give others the same right with regard to me.  If someone missed the boat and is stranded on an island, are you willing to jump off the departing boat knowing that you might die on the island with that person? Are you willing to jump in front of a train to save another?  Less dramatic, for what are you willing to give up your joy and peace of mind?  These are choices.  There is no right or wrong.   There is only what you want and choose to do.

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I worked for some time on “I am worthy.”  Then, I decided to work on “Allowing.”  Allowing people to be how they are without me having to conform to or be affected by whatever that is.  I decided to practice simply allowing and saying ok.  I am not advocating submitting to abuse.  I refer to an alternate response to the many perceived slights, irritations, irrational demands, and drama that we get pulled into.

Allowing is related to self-worth.  When we feel unworthy and powerless, we feel the need to argue, defend, justify, explain, and comment when listening is all that is usually necessary.  If no inquiry is asked, no response is needed and, usually, is not welcome.  It’s like giving unsolicited advice.  People who want your opinion will ask for it.

If others say, do, or require what is not in line with what you want, don’t argue or complain.  If productive, state your concerns.  Otherwise, remove yourself or make plans to leave.  I knew a woman who lived with her philandering boyfriend and calmly expressed her feelings of betrayal.  After no change in behavior, she quietly saved her money, found and put a deposit on another apartment.  One day, he came home from work and found her and all of her belongings gone.  There was no fighting, no drama, and, apparently, no lasting hard feelings.  They worked together on a professional level for many years thereafter.  She allowed him to remain the same while she chose what was best for her.

The key is – do you know what you want?  Most of us know what we don’t want, which is why it is easy and common to express our discontent.  If we know what we want, almost everything becomes very clear.

When we give power to others to manifest our desires and expectations, we can become upset when they don’t act as we would like.  When we feel powerful, we know that we can provide for ourselves what we want.  Then, if a person, place, or situation is not supplying or is preventing access to what we need, we can identify and move towards a more productive place to blossom.  That power and awareness of choice allows us not to be so tied to the closed door temporarily in front of us.  There is no need to become angry or frustrated.  We stay calm and look for or create a door that is open and welcoming.

Allowing is acting with the knowledge that there is always a better place.  You can, thus, ask yourself before responding, “How important is this to me?  Is it worth getting hot and bothered about?  Will focusing on the irritation and engaging in tense-filled discussions take me away from what I really want to do?  At the end, will I be further away from where I want to go?  Is it worth the distraction, lost time, and energy?”

Allowing enables me to focus on changing me instead of the external person or situation.  If I don’t allow, then I must confront, which creates tension, which causes a reaction and a responsive reply, leading to a battle.  Resentment ensues, along with grudges, payback, and days, weeks, and months of bad feelings.  All because I didn’t allow.

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Is the Core of Your Being Strong?

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Is THIS – whatever you are doing, whoever and whatever you are around – is THIS taking you in the direction that you want to go?  Is THIS moving you towards who and what you want to be and do?

My swim coach pointed out a curve in my back in both my backstroke and freestyle.  In order to move more fluidly, more efficiently through the water, my back needs to be flat like a table.  She suggested that one way to achieve a level back is to hold in my stomach.  It is very challenging to hold in my stomach while I’m swimming.  Another coach suggested that I lie on the floor, notice what muscles are utilized to flatten my back, and transfer that knowledge and feeling to my body position while swimming.  Both coaches advise pelvic tilts, sucking in the gut, and squeezing the glutes.

The purpose of these techniques is to develop a strong core.  If I strengthen my core, it will take less effort to make my back level and my body straight.  If I have correct body position, I move more efficiently through the water.

This is also true in life.  What is your core?  Is your core strong?  Do you value yourself?  Do you think you are worthy?  If you don’t think that you are worthy, then you attract others who think accordingly.  If you don’t respect yourself, you draw into your life disrespect.  If you don’t have a strong core, life is choppy and hard to get through.  It takes much effort to get through each day.

Your unworthiness is reflected in others who also see themselves in you.  You are mirrors for each other.  Some express their reflections by trying to exercise control in order to elevate themselves.   A battle then ensues.  Each combats the self-image they see in the other.  Each attempts to fight or fend off the other when the true “enemy” is the self.  The core needs strengthening.

If you think you are worthy, then you attract people and circumstances that reflect that worthiness, that strength in you.  A person who thinks they are unworthy has to defend, justify, and explain themselves.  Shondra Rhimes said that she used to make excuses for saying no.  “No I can’t because . . .”  Now, she says, “No, I can’t do that right now” and lets that statement stand by itself.  And she keeps repeating it for those who don’t get it.  “I’m sorry.  I can’t do that right now.”  And that’s all that she has to say because she knows that she doesn’t have to justify her decision.  It always comes back to self.  Your self-worth.  What is your value, your strength?

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No More Drama (or How Bad Do You Want Change?)

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In 2002, I saw Mary J. Blige perform on the Grammys.  She sang her song No More Drama.   She sang it with such emotion and passion that I became emotional, stood up in my living room and, crying, sang with her: “No more drama!”

I decided that I did not want any more drama in my life.  I was surrounded by drama on my job and within my family.  Even though I wanted drama to end, I didn’t want to leave my job because I didn’t want to be without income.  I didn’t want to leave my family because I love my family.  But, sometimes, there are ways of being and patterns of existence that become incompatible with where you want to go and what you want to be.

There are always reasons to stay in the midst of drama.  As I’ve been working on myself all of these years, I finally realized, and this is something that Mary J says in her song, that “Maybe I liked the stress, because I was young and restless.”

Finally, when I ran out of oxygen, I saw very clearly that I don’t have any more energy to give to this.  I don’t want to take this anymore.  Because I let – yes, I let – drama into my life, chaos permeated my life such that, even though I could say that I wasn’t the cause of that drama, it still was so much a part of me that it affected my relationships.  I have said ok to things that I knew I didn’t want and knew that they weren’t going to work out; but, I thought I didn’t have any options.  I talked the talk, but I didn’t walk in faith without fear.

Though I walk through the valley of darkness, I fear no evil for you are with me.  Your rod and your staff – they comfort me.  What does it mean to live that, not just to state it?

Breaking away from the familiar is tremendously hard, even if it is restrictive.  It sometimes seems that when you try to break away, negative forces become more intense.

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Moving On

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Do you ever find yourself repeating something that you thought you left behind long ago? Sometimes life is like a geometric equation.  You think you’ve got it; but, all you really had was how to solve that particular problem.  You aren’t yet as skilled as you thought.

A week ago, I sat in meditation trying to rebalance and reground myself from the week’s drama and trauma with certain family members.  I re-visited the dream described in a previous post and saw it differently.  I was swimming away from shore and from other swimmers, seemingly safe, into open water which didn’t have any boundaries. Then a giant appeared and tried to drown me.  That could be analogized to my family members.  Now I see the giant as them energetically saying, “Don’t change your vibration.  Stay with us.”  If I react with resistance and stress, then I’ll stay at that vibration level.  I won’t be able to move on.

I am changing and some who are close to me are no longer pulsating at a compatible level.  It’s not that they want to hold me back.  They are expressing their vibration level more intensely.  Our paths are diverging and they must shout in order to make themselves heard.  Do I return to their path in order to hear them more clearly or do I keep moving in my new direction?

My dynamics with my family are changing.  Change is always challenging.  This is what I need.  This is what I want.  This is what I must do to move forward in my life.  I am closing out an aspect of my relationship with my family because I want a different way of interacting.  I am moving away, swimming away from that shore.

During my meditation, I realized that, many years ago, I created a circle of ancestors whose purpose was to protect me and act as a gate.  I have many ancestors or associated spirits, not all of whom support my particular journey towards where I want to go and what I want to be.  One of the reasons I took psychic classes was because I was very distracted and distressed by many energies coming at me from all different directions.  This was holding me back, so I requested a protective circle of ancestors whose purpose would be to block those spirits impeding my progression.  My circle of ancestors push me, support me, and protect me as I grow to my fullest potential.

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Loosing the Chains

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Family pictures

Full of history, expectations, agreements, obligations

Originally free and mighty


Omniscient love always and forever

Magnificence stolen, traded, given away

Hope and aspiration forgotten

Bogged down by the anchor of

Years of slavery, poverty, lack and limitation

Imbedded in our consciousness although we are abundant

Keeping us from freedom

While freedom stands right before us

Awaiting our recognition

Mama felt like her mama felt like her mama felt

Suffering is the burden, the punishment

Of being human, of being woman

No need to discuss it

No need to communicate at all

Just bear it

Suppress all feelings

Deny any unhappiness

I am happy in my unhappiness for God

Greater will be the grace of God

More golden will be the streets of heaven

The light of the Lord will shine brighter

The more you suffer

I reject this!!

            You cannot reject yourself.

I resent you!!

            You cannot resent yourself.

I hate you!!

            You cannot hate yourself.

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