Be You

If you make friends with yourself, you will never be alone.   Maxwell Maltz

Success is doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.  Tony Robbins

The world is full of nice people.  If you can’t find one, be one.  Nishan Panwar

You’re far more powerful than you may have been led to believe.  It’s time to remember your greatness as a powerful eternal being, a creator, a direct reflection of all that is and ever has been.  Stand in your power confidently.  Chantelle Renee

If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value.  Unknown

If you want to be happy, be.  Leo Tolstoy

Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.  Aberjhani Dare

The Process of Change

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After creating through external means for years, I now want to see what happens when I instead bring forth the external through awareness and activation of my inner Resource. Committed to this experiment, I developed the following to facilitate my transformation:

Step 1.  What do I Want?

The first step is figuring out what I want.  Beyond the material things that I think will make my life easier – money, money, money – what I really want is peace.  I want less stress.   I want joy in my life.  I want to do what I want and not what I have to do to make ends meet.

I don’t want to keep repeating the same types of experiences over and over.  I want to learn the process of navigation, not simply how to handle a particular person or situation.  My goal is to externally express peace, joy, and fulfillment from my deep and abiding inner consciousness.

I now see that my anger and victim mentality, even if justified, created more stress.  By taking personal responsibility for my life, I am depending less on “them” and more on how I can bring more joy, peace, and security in my life. What can I do today to be happy? How can I better love myself?  Am I making decisions from joy or obligation?  What choices am I making that take me away from what I want?

Step 2.  Start Doing It

Start doing whatever it is that you want.  For me, I post Ancient Seeker every week.  Sometimes I’m late, but I make writing and posting a priority.  I practice yoga.  I meditate.  I swim and bicycle.  I prepare my own healthy meals.  My goals are to be more consistent; but, life intervenes, so I do at least one of these things every day.

Step 3.  Move Away From What is Not Supporting Me

Make choices about those with whom you associate, with whom you spend most of your time.  As much as possible, limit the presence of people who are determined to remain entrenched in negative thought, beliefs, behavior, and speech.  You don’t have to kick people out of your life, but you can minimize contact with those whose normality is creating tension, drama, demands, neverending rain, chaos, and neediness.  I know that some have pulled away from me because I’m not contributing to their lives and I completely understand and support their decisions.  Not everyone can hang through my metamorphosis.

If I am not strong enough to move myself upward while pulling someone else along, I have to let go and I give others the same right with regard to me.  If someone missed the boat and is stranded on an island, are you willing to jump off the departing boat knowing that you might die on the island with that person? Are you willing to jump in front of a train to save another?  Less dramatic, for what are you willing to give up your joy and peace of mind?  These are choices.  There is no right or wrong.   There is only what you want and choose to do.

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No More Drama (or How Bad Do You Want Change?)

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In 2002, I saw Mary J. Blige perform on the Grammys.  She sang her song No More Drama.   She sang it with such emotion and passion that I became emotional, stood up in my living room and, crying, sang with her: “No more drama!”

I decided that I did not want any more drama in my life.  I was surrounded by drama on my job and within my family.  Even though I wanted drama to end, I didn’t want to leave my job because I didn’t want to be without income.  I didn’t want to leave my family because I love my family.  But, sometimes, there are ways of being and patterns of existence that become incompatible with where you want to go and what you want to be.

There are always reasons to stay in the midst of drama.  As I’ve been working on myself all of these years, I finally realized, and this is something that Mary J says in her song, that “Maybe I liked the stress, because I was young and restless.”

Finally, when I ran out of oxygen, I saw very clearly that I don’t have any more energy to give to this.  I don’t want to take this anymore.  Because I let – yes, I let – drama into my life, chaos permeated my life such that, even though I could say that I wasn’t the cause of that drama, it still was so much a part of me that it affected my relationships.  I have said ok to things that I knew I didn’t want and knew that they weren’t going to work out; but, I thought I didn’t have any options.  I talked the talk, but I didn’t walk in faith without fear.

Though I walk through the valley of darkness, I fear no evil for you are with me.  Your rod and your staff – they comfort me.  What does it mean to live that, not just to state it?

Breaking away from the familiar is tremendously hard, even if it is restrictive.  It sometimes seems that when you try to break away, negative forces become more intense.

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