Be You

If you make friends with yourself, you will never be alone.   Maxwell Maltz

Success is doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.  Tony Robbins

The world is full of nice people.  If you can’t find one, be one.  Nishan Panwar

You’re far more powerful than you may have been led to believe.  It’s time to remember your greatness as a powerful eternal being, a creator, a direct reflection of all that is and ever has been.  Stand in your power confidently.  Chantelle Renee

If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value.  Unknown

If you want to be happy, be.  Leo Tolstoy

Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.  Aberjhani Dare


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I worked for some time on “I am worthy.”  Then, I decided to work on “Allowing.”  Allowing people to be how they are without me having to conform to or be affected by whatever that is.  I decided to practice simply allowing and saying ok.  I am not advocating submitting to abuse.  I refer to an alternate response to the many perceived slights, irritations, irrational demands, and drama that we get pulled into.

Allowing is related to self-worth.  When we feel unworthy and powerless, we feel the need to argue, defend, justify, explain, and comment when listening is all that is usually necessary.  If no inquiry is asked, no response is needed and, usually, is not welcome.  It’s like giving unsolicited advice.  People who want your opinion will ask for it.

If others say, do, or require what is not in line with what you want, don’t argue or complain.  If productive, state your concerns.  Otherwise, remove yourself or make plans to leave.  I knew a woman who lived with her philandering boyfriend and calmly expressed her feelings of betrayal.  After no change in behavior, she quietly saved her money, found and put a deposit on another apartment.  One day, he came home from work and found her and all of her belongings gone.  There was no fighting, no drama, and, apparently, no lasting hard feelings.  They worked together on a professional level for many years thereafter.  She allowed him to remain the same while she chose what was best for her.

The key is – do you know what you want?  Most of us know what we don’t want, which is why it is easy and common to express our discontent.  If we know what we want, almost everything becomes very clear.

When we give power to others to manifest our desires and expectations, we can become upset when they don’t act as we would like.  When we feel powerful, we know that we can provide for ourselves what we want.  Then, if a person, place, or situation is not supplying or is preventing access to what we need, we can identify and move towards a more productive place to blossom.  That power and awareness of choice allows us not to be so tied to the closed door temporarily in front of us.  There is no need to become angry or frustrated.  We stay calm and look for or create a door that is open and welcoming.

Allowing is acting with the knowledge that there is always a better place.  You can, thus, ask yourself before responding, “How important is this to me?  Is it worth getting hot and bothered about?  Will focusing on the irritation and engaging in tense-filled discussions take me away from what I really want to do?  At the end, will I be further away from where I want to go?  Is it worth the distraction, lost time, and energy?”

Allowing enables me to focus on changing me instead of the external person or situation.  If I don’t allow, then I must confront, which creates tension, which causes a reaction and a responsive reply, leading to a battle.  Resentment ensues, along with grudges, payback, and days, weeks, and months of bad feelings.  All because I didn’t allow.

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Creating New Worlds From Within

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We are in the midst of a new era of creation that is revolutionizing ways of life throughout the globe.  The potential of this new era is infinite, fed by imagination and will.

This is an incredible time; but, as with most epic transitions, the changes are both productive and painful.  Many will enter the new era metaphorically handicapped and disabled because they are unable or unwilling to make necessary adjustments.  Many will stick to old patterns of thought and behavior and stand with the sinking ships of old world power.

To embrace the vastness of this evolutionary age, growth in awareness and consciousness is necessary.  It is essential to move beyond racism, sexism, poverty, world disasters, and see the bigger picture.  We have been operating from and reacting to the external for too long.  We have drifted far from our origins, from our Essence, from who and what we truly are.

Societal maladies are symptoms.  They are manifestations of a power within us that is not being utilized constructively.  Many react to this power’s harmful use instead of channeling the power with conscious awareness and loving focus. If we desire true and lasting change, we must stop responding, reacting, and becoming entangled within cycles of discordant thought and behavior.  Our minds and souls distinguish us from animals.  We are higher on the ladder of evolution and, thus, more capable of ascending to the potential that is our gift and destiny.  We can choose to live beyond fighting and killing as a basis for survival.

Many battle the injustices of the world, but don’t struggle against injustice within themselves, which is a source of disharmony among family, friends, neighbors and, ultimately, the world.  What we create on a micro (individual) level effects the macro (global) environment.  If my goal is universal evolution, I need to change myself right now.  I have to stop harboring resentment, anger, and fear.  I must stop being reactive.  Unless we stop the suffering and pain within ourselves, disharmony in the world will endlessly remain.

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Behold! The Thing Greater Than Myself

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I told a friend that I have to testify about all that God has done for me.  He said, correcting me, “You mean all that you have done for yourself,” as if to say, “You don’t believe in yourself.  You believe in an external (e.g., nonexistent) entity.”  I explained my belief in the Indescribable Energy, Force, Spirit, That Which is Unnamable, that I call God.  Even though my view of God is unlimited, I use that term because that is the name given to the Presence by the people who raised me.

I read to my friend the part of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho in which the boy realized that the soul of God was his soul.  Therefore, he was able to perform miracles.  Similarly, I use separation terminology to express my realization that I am part of a greater something.  I am a drop of water in an ocean. I am a particle of sand within an infinite beach.  The drop is still the ocean, as the sand is the beach.  Because I am aware of who and what I am, I can freely use “God” and not diminish myself.

I understand what I mean when I say “what God has done for me.”  It is an easy and simplistic way of saying that, as I grow in awareness and understanding of that which is greater than me, I manifest the harmonious conditions that are Reality.

It is a luxury to believe that success and achievement are solely a result of one’s own actions and abilities, when such things can be gone in an instant.  Throughout the natural world, people have believed that they are self-sufficient and superior when, in fact, their physical ownership and dominion was and is often a result of conquests, colonization, and elimination, or because they accommodated and acquiesced to those who wield power and might.  There can never be enough money and power for those who derive fulfillment from foundations of sand.  Why else do those who have much continue to seek more?  Such desire is neverending.

I will go one step further and state my belief that life is eternal and that human incarnation repeatedly occurs.  We live the effects of causes created in past embodiments and are constantly creating causes that will have future effects.  Unfortunately, with little or no memory of our pre-birth selves, we experience each life anew, believing that our prosperity or indigence is totally the result of our own efforts or lack thereof.  If the former, we are prone to believe in ourselves as stand-alone islands, solely empowered by our personal strengths, capabilities, and external connections.

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