A woman expressed her anger at people who voted for Trump. I responded, “People are struggling and they want someone to get them out of their struggles.” She very angrily said, “well, they should work hard. You can’t just want something. You have to go to school and do well in school. You have to do what you’re supposed to do. We have all worked very hard and that’s how we got to where we are.”
This woman has a well-off father who provided her with a head start in life. She’s married to a professional who earns an upper middle-class income. She comes from a background and a family of means. Everyone thinks they’re working hard wherever they are and that they deserve whatever they have. If other people would work just as hard, they would be successful like them; but, those others simply like to complain.
My simplistic viewpoint is as follows: Some people are born at the top of the mountain and yes, maybe they are working hard to stay there. Other people are born in the middle of the mountain. They are trying to get to the top and yes, that is hard work. Some people are at the bottom of the mountain, but at least they can see the mountain and see others trekking up and down the mountain. Maybe they share tips and suggestions with others who are climbing or who have come down and are going back up. They all know the mountain; therefore, everyone shares tidbits, suggestions, networks, referrals, and so on. Who you know counts for a lot.
Then there are people who are born in a pit with very steep sides. They exist at the bottom of the pit, or halfway up the pit. Maybe they got to the top of the pit, but they’re exhausted and are just trying to stay at the top and not slip back down. People in the pit are probably working much harder than the people at the bottom of the mountain because at the bottom of the mountain they’re not slipping back. They’re on flat land. People in the pit go up a little, but the sides are steep. If they lose their grip, or they get tired, injured, or somehow lose their resources, they slide back down. It becomes a cycle. They slide down, then struggle to get back up.