Center Your Attention

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Interest. Here is the key to the whole thing.  If and when you are truly interested in what you are doing, or are about to do, then you will center your attention on it with little or no effort, and almost irrespective of the attendant conditions.   Ralph Alfred Habas

People will seek the ends of the galaxy to avoid that which they need most.   Criss Jami

The age in which we live, this non-stop distraction, is making it more impossible for the young generation to ever have the curiosity or discipline . . . because you need to be alone to find out anything.  Vivienne Westwood

The saints, too, had wandering minds.  The saints, too, had constantly to recall their constantly wandering mind-child home.  They became saints because they continued to go after the little wanderer, like the Good Shepherd.   Peter Kreeft

I have wandered all my life, and I have also traveled; the difference between the two being this, that we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.  Hilaire Belloc

Anything that we do to make ourselves feel worthy and safe is a flight from the pain of powerlessness.  Every pursuit of external power – every attempt to change the world or a person in order to make yourself feel valuable and safe – is a distraction from the pain of powerlessness.   Gary Zukav

Be Aware of Distractions

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In the process of moving toward your passion, be aware of distractions, which can be a way of dealing with fear.

Fear of success is usually not conscious.  Obviously, most of us want to be successful.  However, our minds and bodies respond to fear, even that of which we are not consciously aware.  Therefore, we must become aware of obstacles that are self-imposed.

One subconscious fear may be that your life will change if you are successful.  Even though you want to be more, you know the characteristics and boundaries of where you are.  The unknown is usually feared.  Most of us do not want to go out of our comfort zones, even as we clearly and emphatically don’t want to be there and would not call “there” comfortable.  But if you are not content where you are and you are not actively taking steps to change your situation, then you have to examine why.

Societal norms don’t encourage us to take the time to reflect and to really look at ourselves and our lives.  We don’t listen to our inner voices anymore.  We don’t respond to our gut feelings; therefore, our guts stop guiding us.  They stop warning us when we are going astray.  Fear can keep you from moving forward into uncertainty.  It will keep you right where you are and prevent you from making a first step or that next step.  Right now, you may have enough to survive.  You tell yourself that you’ll wait until you have a safety net to take that leap of faith towards your destiny.

We rationalize our acceptance of the status quo: “I am not stressed. I’m fine.  Everything is fine.”  “Doctors say two drinks per day are ok.”  “I need this job.  I have loans, a mortgage, bills, tuition, my car, shopping, my hair, nails, the kids’ soccer games.”  “I know I need to lose weight, but I’m too busy to exercise or cook healthy foods.”  “My job requires me to travel a lot.  I have to eat out all of the time.”  “I don’t have time for relationships/ kids / vacations.”  “When I retire, when I quit this job, when the kids are out of the house, when I don’t have to take care of my parents, when the easier future comes, then I’ll . . .”

You may take the steps toward your passion, but discover that certain friends and associates want to use your motivating energy to support their needs and desires.  Because you like the company of friends and family and you want to help and be a good example, you change your schedule, your consistency, and your style to adjust to theirs.  You don’t feel comfortable saying no or “I’ll address that concern tomorrow or next week when I have time.”  The next thing you know, you’re not progressing.  You diverge from your planned routine.  You lose your momentum and your direction.

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