Sunshine and Rain

One of my little charges told me that other girls don’t want to play with her and asked me to make them play with her.  I told her, “When you ask people to play with you, they think something is wrong with you.  If you want to play, just play.  Do what you do.  Most people will join you if you look like you’re having a good time.”

Kids are always telling me, “Such and such called me this.”  I ask them, “Are you that?  How does that hurt you?”  I teach them the Sticks and Stones verse: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.  I tell them to say, “My name is [   ] and I am like the sun.  Nothing can stop me from shining.”  I point to the sky as I state: “The sun shines no matter what.  When you see clouds, the sun is still shining.  We just can’t see it.  Even when it is dark where we are, the sun is shining somewhere.  The sun never ever stops shining.

Sometimes we don’t see the sun for whatever reason.  People can be like clouds.  Think of yourself as the sun.  It appears that clouds are blocking you, but they are not.  No matter what – clouds, rain, darkness – the sun always shines.  If you constantly think of yourself as the sun, you will realize that, no matter what people do or say, the truth that is you and the reality that is you will never stop shining.  If you always believe that, then you’ll always act like the sun and nothing can diminish your brilliance.

The earth rotates around the sun.  Sooner or later, a spot that’s in darkness will always return to being within the sun’s rays.  You have to be steadfast like the sun.  You have to wait until the earth or people or circumstances and events and situations rotate around to you.  You must remember that your brilliance and your joy are always there, no matter what is going on outside of you.”

Because they are little kids, I sing and dance and act silly as I tell them this.  They laugh, but they’ll remember one day.

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We Are All Responsible

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One morning during meditation, I was feeling bad about all of the pain in the world and asked “Why?”  What did Native Americans do to deserve such annihilation?  What did Africans do to become slaves and colonized?  What was the cause of such pain and degradation of peace-loving, Spirit-loving people?

Of course, there are numerous hypotheses, the main one possibly being that the cause is human nature.  From the very beginning, humans have killed one another for power, control, possessions, retribution, punishment, emotions, and survival.  Nevertheless, as we presumably evolve away from our animalistic characteristics, can we become consciously aware of ways in which we contribute to nurturing the very base level of our existence?

It came to me that we create devastation in our world and contribute to it every day by our thoughts and behavior.  Unchecked anger, hatred, bigotry, jealousy, resentment, worry, anxiety and other unproductive energies contribute to a force that feeds from and integrates with beings and systems with like vibrations.

In an episode of the Star Trek television series, the crew attempted to get rid of Jack the Ripper, who was thought to have died centuries earlier.  They discovered that “he” was actually a universal force that received its energy from the negative thoughts of everyone on the Enterprise.  The force would enter a body and make it perform harmful acts.  When others reacted in fear, anxiety, and anger, the force became more powerful.  Ultimately, the crew realized what was giving the force its strength.  They began to focus on happy thoughts.  Laughter drove the force away from the ship and into space.  Unable to find an entity like itself to which it could attach, the force dissipated.

My meditation was interrupted by a handyman hired by my apartment complex.  When I opened the door, the man spoke to me while looking at certain parts of my body.  He never looked me in the eye.  When I resumed my meditation, all I could think of was my anger towards this man.  It took quite a while for me to return to my meditative state.

Calming myself, I saw that the same way I allowed myself to be taken away from my meditative peace was the way that I allow myself to become uncentered throughout each day and throughout my life.  I start out on one path and, then, allow people and events to detract me, to spoil my day, to make me ungrateful, angry, resentful, or irritated.  I realized how easily negative thoughts come to my mind and how, instead of passing them through, I nurture, revisit, and build upon them.  I was able to see how I then attract certain energies to me, not necessarily the energies upon which I am focusing, but the type of energies in various forms.  A small hole can be just enough to let in a flood.

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Anger, Forgiveness, and Letting Go

forgiveness rocks motherrr

One day, I became so angry that I did not know what to do.  So I sat in meditation and asked for a solution to the situation that had caused the anger.  As I became still and continued to ask for guidance, my request became more refined.  I asked for clarity so that I could become a channel for healing. The answer did not come during this meditation. Throughout that day, I thought: “Clarity – Healing” to remind me of the answer that I sought.

A couple of days later, I watched a medical intuitive who was a guest on Oprah.  She was, in essence, a psychic, but didn’t like that label.  She explained that words carry energy and she wanted to be very careful of how she used them. The intuitive revealed what I’ve known for years, but have had much difficulty implementing in my life.  Do not judge.  Have no expectations.  Give up the idea that you need to know why things happen as they do. Forgive.

Forgiveness is a selfish act because it helps you more than the other person.  Let go and be aware that every thought and emotion has power that can be used for or against you. Do whatever you need to do to transcend your pain so that you can stop creating more of the same.

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