Trust that you came to this embodiment for a purpose. As each step of your life’s process is completed, the next step will be revealed to you. Trusting in this reality, one ceases to have fear or anger as a result of perceived lost or denied opportunities. One will be as one is destined to be or as one creates for self. As the obstacles of resentment, bitterness, rage, and other unproductive states of mind give way, the flow of life will become more enabling, empowering, and capable of producing an abundance not imagined.
Author Archives: Ancient Seeker
The Revelation
The Revelation
Years ago, I began my meditation with the question, “What is life?” I then asked, “What is?” I began concentrating on the senses that I am not aware of, encouraging them to be expressed in my awareness, feeling them, being aware of using them, being them. A question came into my mind: “What is my true essence?” No answer came and I ended that day’s meditation, but continued to use this question as a focus in my subsequent meditations.
Havingness. That is my challenge at this time in my life. My ability to have all that I need and desire without struggle, without pain, without loss of dignity and sacrifice of self. My ability to have simply as a right of being a creature of the Universe.
The conflict is within myself. Not accepting my right to have. Not being completely aware of my gifts. Not fully comprehending that my unlimited abundance is right before me awaiting my acknowledgement. I keep looking for the key. What else must I do? I believe in my abundance. I accept it, but it has not manifested in the ways that I desire, in the manner in which I define abundance. Why?
Could it be because the very acts of seeking, desiring, and questioning are all proof of a belief in not having? How can you desire that which you already have?
The Truth Within
Inside each of us resides the truth, the absolute Truth; but, sometimes the truth is hidden in a hall of mirrors. Sometimes we believe we are viewing the real thing, when in fact we are viewing a distortion . . . We must shatter the mirrors. We must look into ourselves and root out the distortion until that thing which we know in our hearts is perfect and true, stands before us. Only then will justice be served.
The Art of Racing in the Sun by Garth Stein
Keep Going
Whatever you’re going through, you will do just that: go through it. It will pass. So say “thank you” now. Because you know the rainbow is coming. Oprah Winfrey
If you will have the courage to be alone for awhile, to go within, to feel abandoned and lost and alone; if you will have hope and the certainty that this will pass, the glory that you will find as a result will surpass anything that you imagine. Unknown
Going Through Darkness to Get to the Light
I had been somewhere and I was walking home. I don’t remember from where I was coming, but I had to walk through a dark area. The area was an upper-class neighborhood where there weren’t many homes. Those that were there were mansion-sized, surrounded by lots of land with mostly bushes and trees, so that you couldn’t see the houses. The landscaping was natural, not landscaped. Turning left from where I was coming, there were no houses, just raised land with bushes and trees.
I wasn’t afraid to walk down the first block to the left because of the light from where I started. However, I was to make a right on the street after that first block. This street was very dark. I didn’t see any lights. I walked a ways and turned back because it looked like the kind of street where someone would snatch me. I wasn’t going to walk down that street by myself.
I walked back to where I started. No one was there. Everyone had gone. I couldn’t get a ride. I didn’t have a choice. I had to go ahead and walk alone in the dark. I had to go forward.
Flowing Emotions
I am disciplining myself to observe and to control my emotions. I want my feelings to flow through me at all times. I don’t want my emotions to become static and so attached to someone or something that, when that entity changes or leaves, I lose my joy and my ability to function. I want my love to transcend personal love.
Sit Still, Stay Focused, Become Rooted
Riding on a train from Saratoga to New York City, I had a vision that I was going through an initiation. I was led into a forest. Everything was dark. I was told that a path would light up. I was to begin walking on this lighted path and stay on it no matter what happened. If the path disappeared, I was to sit down and go through the experience and endure whatever presented itself until the path appeared again. Even if I felt that I was falling or felt the touch of a giant spider (my greatest fear!), I was to know that these were all illusions. I was to remain seated until I saw the path again, even if I felt as though I was drifting through space.
About a week later, I was sitting in a park after experiencing a painful experience with a now former friend. I was thinking about how unfair life was and how cruel people are to each other. As I wiped the tears from my eyes, I thought that whatever initiation I might be going through was not as simple as monster spiders and floating in space. It is constantly attempting to stay focused on a spiritual path, focused on God, and not letting the emotions of mortal beings negatively affect my own energy and make me react.
The Ditch
I had a dream in which I was on earth living in harmony with nature and other living beings. A man appeared. He said, “This is my land.” Instead of saying ok, I fought him. I started down that slippery slope and kept going until I found myself in the bottom of a ditch that kept getting deeper and deeper. And I wasn’t alone.
More and more, I’m becoming aware that people don’t want to acknowledge that we are living the consequences of choices made. No matter how our choices are influenced by society, family, and circumstances, each of us makes a choice every time we speak and act.
During the Middle Passage, many slaves chose suicide over the the horrible conditions in which they found themselves. They were kidnapped, chained, and imprisoned within a ship, tightly packed with other captives, and forced to exist in their own waste, inhaling and swallowing their own and others’ filth and excrement. When allowed to come on deck for air, many jumped overboard and threw their children to certain death by drowning or sharks. This was a choice.
Many others chose to live as slaves. Their capture and trade as slaves was not a choice. However, within that circumstance, some chose to live. Others chose to die. Once in the foreign lands, some chose to fight, to escape, to kill their captors, to befriend and love their masters, or to simply survive to live another day. All kinds of choices were made within this era of non-choice.