We Are Here to Manifest

currents of change annamarie57

During my meditation, I felt that the reason I am in my body, that we are all in our bodies, is to manifest.  That is the body’s purpose – to serve as a vehicle to bring forth.  That’s why we have so much power if we can only be aware of and utilize our potential.  We are born into material form in order to continue the creative process of the Universe.  Our powers of manifestation increase in accordance with the expansion of our awareness.

With limited awareness, I have created from anxiety, fear, resentment, stress, and unhappiness.  Now, my consciousness is expanding.  I am becoming more aware of who I Am, my True Self, the Essence of me.  I Am overwhelming abundance, health, joy, love, peace, and all that is beautiful and right.  My life is fulfilling its highest potential.

Right now, the Universe is providing an opening for me.  Openings occur throughout our lives at different times for each of us, depending upon many factors (birth date and time, season, astrology, karma, stage of evolution, causes not yet known).  Sometimes, we are not prepared for these openings and can’t take advantage of them.  We have not grown sufficiently.  We don’t perceive an opening at all.  We see an illusory closed or blocked door because we are so acclimated to rejection, limitation, oppression, and denial.

Over twenty years ago, I had continuous dreams, the repeated interpretation of which was “Failure to see what is before you.”  This was so frustrating!  Why couldn’t I see?  What was in front of me?  Today, I understand more clearly.  I am better prepared for the current opening.  As a result of my many trials and tribulations, I have lessened my dependence on the external.  My inner perception is more astute.  I have worked diligently to remove obstacles to my energetic evolution, clearing channels of Flow to and from me.  I am becoming more in tune with the natural order of the Universe, with what is my natural state of Being.

Ralph Waldo Trine stated, “Power becomes manifest in us to the degree that we open ourselves to the Spirit of Infinite Power.”  Thus, when I become attached to specific material things that I want and need, or definitive outcomes, I realize that I am diminishing the infinity of my potential.  I am asking for a trinket when what is available to me is beyond my present comprehension.  When I find myself attached to a thing or circumstance, I immediately change my thoughts to “Whatever is for me is already mine.  Not my will, thine.  I now manifest all that I need and desire.”  I focus on what is universal, even multi-dimensional, and monitor expectations based upon what is presently appearing.

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Move Into Your Potential

Lucid Light deviantart

Only through constantly changing can we achieve our greatest potential.  Robin Hart

It is entirely possible that behind the perceptions of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.  Albert Einstein

The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.  Aristotle

If you keep moving forward, you will stumble into God’s blessings.  Joel Osteen

If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.  Toni Morrison

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.  The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.    Thomas A. Edison

Awakening the Soul

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The sign of the awakening of the soul is that the awakened person throws a light, the light of his soul, upon every person and every object and sees that object, that condition in this light.  It is his own soul, which becomes a torch in his hand. It is his own light that illuminates his path.  It is just like throwing a searchlight upon dark corners, which one did not see before, and the corners become clear and illuminated again.  It is like throwing light upon problems that one did not understand at first.  It is like seeing with x-rays persons who were riddles before.    Hazrat Inayat Khan

Just what future the Designer of the universe has provided for the souls of men, I do not know.  I cannot prove.  But I find that the whole order of Nature confirms by confidence that, if it is not like our noblest hopes and dreams, it will transcend them.  Henry Norris Russell

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.  Lao Tzu

I’m hungry for knowledge.  The whole thing is to learn every day, to get brighter and brighter.  That’s what this world is about.  You look at someone like Gandhi, and he glowed.  Martin Luther King glowed.  Muhammad Ali glows.  I think that’s from being bright all the time, and trying to be brighter.  Jay-Z

The source and center of all creative power is the power of making images, or the power of imagination.  Robert Collier

Every human has four endowments – self awareness, conscience, independent will, and creative imagination.  These give us the ultimate human freedom: the power to choose, to respond, to change.  Stephen Covey

The Revelation

enlightenment smashandpeas

The Revelation

Years ago, I began my meditation with the question, “What is life?” I then asked, “What is?”  I began concentrating on the senses that I am not aware of, encouraging them to be expressed in my awareness, feeling them, being aware of using them, being them.  A question came into my mind: “What is my true essence?”  No answer came and I ended that day’s meditation, but continued to use this question as a focus in my subsequent meditations.

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