Following Your Passion 1

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The path leading to your desires is not always clear.  How do we even find our passion?  Even if the passion is identified, the road may be full of twists, turns, and obstacles.  How do we keep going?  How do we persevere?

The phrase “follow your passion” is like the goal of “being happy.”  It is an intangible that has no clear guideline for how to achieve it.  It is the “how” that challenges most of us when we think about the intangibles of life.  We want to love what we do.  We want peace, joy, contentment, love, and success – and we want it now.  But, becoming anything is a process.  It takes adherence to techniques, to the development of skills, to retraining the mind.  Some would say that our consciousness needs to change.

Because of life’s stresses, we may not remember what it feels like to have passion.  Neverending obligations and responsibilities form the content of our days.  We have an idea of what we would like to do, but take no steps toward implementing it.  Is it because we have become fearful of trying new things?  Is it because we can’t foresee instant results?  That’s what a j-o-b brings.  We are conditioned to get a paycheck every two weeks.  When pursuing our passions, we might not see “success” for years, especially if “success” is defined as money, recognition, or status.

“Following your passion” is generally associated with making money.  Numerous self-help books tell us that we should be able to make money by doing something about which we are passionate.  This focus on compensation may blind us to what is inherently joyful.  We will constantly think, “How will I make money from this?” instead of “I love doing this so much, I want to do it as often and as much as I can.”

To identify our passions, it may help to remember our childhoods.  When I was in high school, I held almost every student government position.  I volunteered in various areas of community service.  It was a natural progression for me to choose to work in a congressional office as a college intern.  This turned into a full time job that I totally loved.  At no point prior to that employment did I think, “My perfect job would be to work in Congress” or “I am passionate about politics.”

I organically evolved into that position as a result of participating in activities that I totally enjoyed.  My interests led me to endeavors that ultimately led to a paid position.  My beloved first job exposed me to new passions, which encouraged me to venture into new and uncertain environments.

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A Passionate Life

Passion HeArts Gallery drawneartogod

I identified very strongly with the Grey’s Anatomy character Christina Yang.  She always chose herself, except within the first three seasons when she chose Dr. Burke.  But that was because she admired him.  Although a junior resident, he gave her special opportunities to learn advanced heart surgery skills.  He provided a path to her continued expansion.  More importantly, Burke was like Christina.  He had a passion for infinite growth.  He had confidence.  He took risks.  He was exceedingly skilled and knowledgeable.  Christina couldn’t help but love him.  He was a male her.

The difference between me and Christina is that I didn’t identify within me something about which I was so passionate that I would give up everything.  My passions were externally focused.  I sacrificed all for my jobs, my family, and my mom.

Because my passions were for other than me, my efforts frequently ended in disappointment.  I facilitated the needs and desires of others.  Yes, I enjoyed what I did and gave; but, my accomplishments ultimately benefited them more than me, which was predictable because I supported their dreams and goals.

Grey’s Anatomy was the first television series in which a key character left and I wasn’t mad at the producers and writers.  The season of Christina’s departure explored all of the possible life-changing scenarios that Christina could have chosen.  The one that I wanted for her was to stay with Owen and have babies.  In her vision of this choice, she was pregnant with their second child.  Owen was immensely happy while she regretted giving up the possibility of her greatness as a world-renowned surgeon.

Every possible ending that fans would have wished for Christina involved her compromising her passion and dreams for herself.  In each, she was happy for and pleasing to others, but unfulfilled and unaccomplished in the ultimate manifestation of her gift.

In the season finale, Christina was offered and chose a position that allowed her to be unlimited in her potential.  Importantly, it also showed how much she knowingly gave up – proximity to the man she loved, her best friends, and the opportunity to be reasonably successful in an environment surrounded by supportive co-workers.  She could have settled and been beyond ok by most standards.  Instead, she chose to reach for the stars and follow her unflinching passion.

Christina chose the means and opportunity for limitless mobility.  She chose the power to determine and actualize her destiny.  That is my desire for myself.

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Living This Life

Grass With Dew

We believe in the eternality, the immortality, and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.  Ernest Holmes

In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.   Robert Frost

From where we stand, the rain seems random.  If we could stand somewhere else, we would see the order in it.  Tony Hillerman

In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.  Isaac Asimov

Our own life has to be our message.  Thich Nhat Hanh

I knew everything happened for a reason.  I just wished the reason would hurry up and make itself know.  Christina Lauren

Very little is needed to make a happy life.  It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.  Marcus Aurelius

We’re all going to die.  We don’t get much say over how or when.  But we do get to decide how we’re going to live.  So do it.  Decide.  Is this the life you want to live?  Is this the person you want to love?  Is this the best you can be?  Can you be stronger?  Kinder?  More compassionate?  Decide.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  And decide.  Dr. Richard Webber, Grey’s Anatomy, Season 10

No Rhyme or Reason

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I am moving closer to my goal of letting go and letting life because I don’t see any rational reason for recent occurrences.  The artist Prince died and there doesn’t seem to be an acceptable reason for his premature death, or for the passing on of many others who provided much joy, inspiration, and innovation to the world.  Prince was a genius, a philanthropist, and a supporter of just causes.  He didn’t seem to have any type of psychosis or mental issues.  He performed up to the time of his sudden death.  He was a good person.  Why did he leave this realm to which he so positively contributed?

Two days after Prince died, I went to the memorial service of an associate.  She lived a wonderful, spiritual, and giving life.  She was very well loved by everyone.  She appeared to have everything and lived “right.”  Why her?

I look at Steve Jobs.  All of his money, status, and technology couldn’t save his life.  Why?  Wouldn’t the world continue to benefit by his presence?  There are people who abuse their bodies and/or other people every single day.  Defying all odds and statistics, they live long and sometimes prosperous lives.  Sometimes, I think that Earth is hell and the ones left behind haven’t done whatever we’re supposed to do to make it out.  That theory doesn’t make sense, however, because many people are living joyful and fulfilled lives in this here and now.

I look at people whose lives I might have chosen for myself.  I think, “their lives are so great.”  Then I learn that they are going through life challenges that I couldn’t imagine bearing.  Maybe they lost their homes, loved ones, and every single thing they own in a fire, earthquake, tornado, landslide or war.

Some people have financial abundance, but undergo health challenges.  I have to accept that I don’t know why things happen.  There doesn’t seem to be anything that one can do to avoid suffering.  You can be this great wonderful person who everybody loves.  You can be a genius.  You can be a zillionaire and still have insecurities and childhood issues that you can’t seem to resolve.

I’ve been around long enough to see that there isn’t a simple explanation.  There isn’t an answer that says if you do “this,” you will have an absolutely perfect, pain free, and struggle free life.

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The Process of Change

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After creating through external means for years, I now want to see what happens when I instead bring forth the external through awareness and activation of my inner Resource. Committed to this experiment, I developed the following to facilitate my transformation:

Step 1.  What do I Want?

The first step is figuring out what I want.  Beyond the material things that I think will make my life easier – money, money, money – what I really want is peace.  I want less stress.   I want joy in my life.  I want to do what I want and not what I have to do to make ends meet.

I don’t want to keep repeating the same types of experiences over and over.  I want to learn the process of navigation, not simply how to handle a particular person or situation.  My goal is to externally express peace, joy, and fulfillment from my deep and abiding inner consciousness.

I now see that my anger and victim mentality, even if justified, created more stress.  By taking personal responsibility for my life, I am depending less on “them” and more on how I can bring more joy, peace, and security in my life. What can I do today to be happy? How can I better love myself?  Am I making decisions from joy or obligation?  What choices am I making that take me away from what I want?

Step 2.  Start Doing It

Start doing whatever it is that you want.  For me, I post Ancient Seeker every week.  Sometimes I’m late, but I make writing and posting a priority.  I practice yoga.  I meditate.  I swim and bicycle.  I prepare my own healthy meals.  My goals are to be more consistent; but, life intervenes, so I do at least one of these things every day.

Step 3.  Move Away From What is Not Supporting Me

Make choices about those with whom you associate, with whom you spend most of your time.  As much as possible, limit the presence of people who are determined to remain entrenched in negative thought, beliefs, behavior, and speech.  You don’t have to kick people out of your life, but you can minimize contact with those whose normality is creating tension, drama, demands, neverending rain, chaos, and neediness.  I know that some have pulled away from me because I’m not contributing to their lives and I completely understand and support their decisions.  Not everyone can hang through my metamorphosis.

If I am not strong enough to move myself upward while pulling someone else along, I have to let go and I give others the same right with regard to me.  If someone missed the boat and is stranded on an island, are you willing to jump off the departing boat knowing that you might die on the island with that person? Are you willing to jump in front of a train to save another?  Less dramatic, for what are you willing to give up your joy and peace of mind?  These are choices.  There is no right or wrong.   There is only what you want and choose to do.

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Growing Through Loss

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Three years ago, I lost my mom.  She lived a long life, but I didn’t have all of her for fourteen years prior to her passing because of Alzheimer’s Disease.  Before that, I lost my sister, my dog, and my dad.  I actually lost my sister many years before she died because she was on drugs and was administered shock treatments in the state mental hospital, which was where they put and how they treated drug users back in the day.  Afterwards, she lost her mind and my sister, the first person that I knew really, truly loved me, became and died as one of the crazy-looking people on the street you try to avoid.  Before that, I lost my aunt and uncle who were like my grandparents.  My real grandfathers died before I was born and my grandmothers passed before I was 12.

When I was in high school, a friend was shot and killed.  Throughout the years, I’ve been through many funerals of neighbors, relatives, associates, and siblings and parents of friends.  My elementary school music teacher passed two weeks ago.  Beyond death and tragedy, people who I thought would always be in my life chose to end our relationship.  I’ve lost jobs, a car, homes that I loved, income, status, my youthful idealism.  At times, I’ve lost myself.

One of my closest friends has had life-threatening health issues for some time.  We have been through so much together, some really crazy, fun times and the painful growth periods that most people go through.  She knows the inside of me, how and why I think.  She’s my sister from another mother.  It’s been very challenging trying to deal with what’s going on with her, especially since we live in different states.  The very selfish thought of potential loss to me is unbearable.  If I allow myself to think of it, I lose my ability to breathe and have to immediately distract myself.

If she is no longer physically in my life, what will I have?  Who will know me like she knows me?  We are supposed to sit on a balcony in our old age, overlooking an ocean, talking about all the stuff we did in our lives, all of the dramas we got through.  With whom will I share the stories that only we know?

But why even think this way? God only knows when her or my time will come.

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You Are the Looking Glass

Looking Glass

Life is not happening to you.  Life is responding to you.  Rhonda Byrne

Blame is a very common, ancient, well-perfected device for trying to feel better.  Blame others.  Blaming is a way to protect your heart, trying to protect what is soft and open and tender in yourself.  Rather than own that pain, we scramble to find some comfortable ground.  Pema Chödrön

When you complain, you make yourself a victim.  Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it.  All else is madness.  Eckhart Tolle

It is not in the stars that our destiny is held, but in ourselves.  William Shakespeare

I do believe that one way to have a destiny is to choose one.  Melinda McGraw

Without change, something sleeps inside us and seldom awakens.  The sleeper must awaken.  Frank Herbert

Determine to Blossom


. . . and then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.  Anais Nin

Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.  J. K. Rowling

Faith is indispensable for the perseverance required to break through the spacious ‘reality’ one knows to the as-yet-unknown Reality.   Whitall N. Perry

That which caused the many failures I had in learning the bicycle had caused me failures in life; namely, a certain fearful looking for judgment; a too vivid realization of the uncertainty of everything about me; an underlying doubt – at once, however (and this is all that saved me), matched and overcome by the determination not to give in to it.  Frances Willard

It is not really about the bike at all – it’s about cultivating a sense of independence and freedom.  It’s a feeling of, literally, going places in life.  It’s about getting up after you fall, doing things that scare you, and always finding a new ride.  Frances Willard

That man who is forced each day to snatch his manhood, his identity, out of the fire of human cruelty that rages to destroy it, knows . . . something about himself and human life that no school on earth – indeed, no church – can teach.  He achieves his own authority, and that is unshakable.  This is because, in order to save his life, he is forced to look beneath appearances, to take nothing for granted, to hear the meaning behind the words.  James Baldwin

Get Rid of Your Training Wheels

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I often analogize my spiritual and personal development to swimming, an activity in which the improvement of technique is a life-long endeavor.  During the process of changing habitually incorrect strokes, my speed slows.  My body won’t follow my directives.  It continues to do what it has always done.  The coach will say, “you’re still windmilling” when I think I am gliding as instructed.

When I first begin to modify my way of swimming, it feels as though I am pulling through mud.  I quickly tire.  Unused muscles begin to hurt.  It’s not fun.  But I persist.  Consistency is key.  When I miss days of swimming, I don’t resume right where I left off.  I fall back to my previous set point.  The same thing that it takes to get to a goal is what you have to continue to maintain it.

I accept this fact with most endeavors.  I know that I must eat less and exercise more to lose weight and to maintain that loss.  To learn new skills, I have to study and repeatedly perform necessary functions and procedures until they become natural to me.  Yet, with life, I want change tomorrow.  I want perfection without practice.  I don’t want aches, pains, or setbacks.  I want spiritual muscles without having to do any strengthening exercises.

Many times I want someone to make things better, to make it all go away, and to tell me what to do and when to do it.  I want things to be ok right now without my having to do anything.  Where is my fairy godmother, my genie in the bottle?  Where is God?

The other day, I saw this boy on a little bicycle with training wheels.  His legs were long enough to keep him from falling.  He didn’t even need brakes.  All he had to do was put his feet down and he could stand.  Yet, he rode with assistance.  His helicopter mom closely followed him.

As I walked and watched the boy and his mom, the song “I’m Coming Out of My Comfort Zone” played on my iPod.  I thought, “This is where I am right now.  My life experiences are causing me to figure out how to remove my own clouds and my own negativity.  Giving that power to someone else is like having a helicopter mom.  It’s like using training wheels long past the time that they are necessary.

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Come Alive!

Come Alive nadbiskupija

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.  Howard Thurman

The soul is the source of our joy, truth, beauty, and infinite potential. When we live from this level of life, we are immediately connected to and supported by other souls. We heal and are healed in return.  Oprah Winfrey / Deepak Chopra

The truth is, you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow.  Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed.  Eminem

Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life.  You don’t have to live forever; you just have to live.  Natalie Babbitt

Slow down and everything that you are chasing will come around and catch you.  John de Paula