Our Connection to God

I was thinking about how we got so far away from God, from Spirit, from our connection with Nature.  In ancient days, people reportedly could actually hear and see a physical presence of the Creator or Spirit as, today, we see each other.  What happened to those capabilities?

All wisdom traditions have a creation story where the original Earth beings had direct communication with their Creator.  Most indigenous cultures had personal contact with their spiritual ancestors who protected and guided them.

We can see reasons for the current disconnect in our known history.  I remember the film “Daughters of the Dust,” about a community in coastal South Carolina where the descendants of former West African slaves continued to practice the Yoruba traditions of their ancestors.  I felt sad after watching it.  I understood why the young people left the island.  They wanted to be modern.  They wanted to have more, to be more.  They didn’t want to live the same life over and over.  Ultimately, those indigenous ways went the way of the wind.

Each generation that relinquishes ancestral teachings contributes to the dilution or extinction of that knowledge and connection with the earth and spirit and life itself.

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