Be You

If you make friends with yourself, you will never be alone.   Maxwell Maltz

Success is doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.  Tony Robbins

The world is full of nice people.  If you can’t find one, be one.  Nishan Panwar

You’re far more powerful than you may have been led to believe.  It’s time to remember your greatness as a powerful eternal being, a creator, a direct reflection of all that is and ever has been.  Stand in your power confidently.  Chantelle Renee

If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value.  Unknown

If you want to be happy, be.  Leo Tolstoy

Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.  Aberjhani Dare

Are You on a Treadmill?

treadmill publicdomain

Sometimes we get on a treadmill and can’t imagine how to get off.  We don’t even know that we should get off.  A lot of it has to do with our family/religious/societal conditioning.  Most of us are not living according to our own true nature.  We have incorporated time-honored tenets into our day-to-day living:

  • “You don’t get anything worth having without struggle and hard work.”
  • “You always need to be busy and productive.  Doing nothing is unproductive and will lead to ruin and disaster.”
  • “Taking time for and giving to yourself is selfish.  You must always be doing something that gives to others and puts something back into society.”

Most of us have never been taught to look within and discover ourselves, to discover our needs and desires separate from those imposed upon us by our parents, our neighborhood and community, our ethnicity, our church, and any other status external to our own individualized inner being, which is the essence of who and what we are.

At a very young age, we are given a plan that is responsive to entities outside of ourselves: go to school, mind (or kiss up to) the teacher, and make good grades in order to go to college and get a good job.  The instinctual reliance by children on their intuition and on their feelings is gradually replaced by the need to please, to fit in, or to accomplish.  Always becoming, never just being.  Knowledge is for the purpose of becoming a lawyer, a doctor, something more than the parents, something to give the child the “advantages” of life.

Knowledge is not advocated simply for the sake of knowing and learning to be more aware of where and what you are right now.  Knowledge is not taught as a way to productively and consciously manipulate a universe that consistently responds to our every nuance.

Societal circumstances cause many adults to relinquish their dreams and give into a conditioned reality.  It becomes too hard to “fight the power.”  Many parents are trying to grow up themselves.  Not being taught to search within for answers, some turn to alcohol, drugs, sex, work, and dependencies on other people to find solace and satisfaction.  This behavior is then passed on to the next generation until someone decides to stop the cycle and find another way.

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Lack, Limitation, Judgment

Embedded Memories Flickr

Baggage of lack and limitation
Sacrifice, giving, giving, giving
And not receiving
Being the bridge that is supposed to insure my entry into the Promised Land


Above all else – judgment
Determining what is good and what is bad
What is right and what is wrong
What is white and what is black


No, you cannot come with me
All of you must stay behind
The new horizon invites me
One Mind
One Power
One Universal Source
Lavish, unfailing abundance
Infinite prosperity
Unconditional love
Wisdom to see beyond appearances
Understanding and compassion
Not Heaven
Here on Earth
Right here
Right now


Being in the world, but not of it
Feeling the pain, but not becoming painful
Separating the expression from the existence
The ability to see what is readily apparent
If I will only be open and receptive


Recognizing the reality that is me
Unfettered, uninhibited, unconditional

Be the Light

honor God rudecactus

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

            Frank Outlaw, Late President of the Bi-Lo Stores

When we remember to speak words which are true, kind, and constructive, we nourish a beautiful flower in our hearts, and we can offer its sweet fragrance to everyone.  Thich Nhat Hahn

Open yourself up to the light.  This is different from fighting the darkness.  Deepak Chopra

 My peace is the peace of the world.  Deepak Chopra

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.  Desmond Tutu

Doing Nothing, Being Something

Stillness wikimedia

The first two months after I left my job, I was really intense.  I tried to start my own law practice.  I went to seminars, classes, workshops, networking meetings and lunches.  I stayed busy.  At some point, something inside of me said “Stop! Do nothing.”  Doing nothing was foreign to me.  How could I not be productive?  I made myself follow my inner voice.  In doing nothing, I rediscovered myself, the self that I had willingly given away in exchange for a regular paycheck.

As I stopped all directed activity, as I grew more into my intuitive self, I began to read again, to listen to music again, to converse with people whose thoughts, beliefs, and opinions about the meanings of life didn’t revolve around working oneself to death for some unattainable happiness.  As some of us know, the treadmill to happiness never reaches its destination.  One must learn to be happiness – no matter what.  Robin Hart