Plural Realities

Hypnosis flickr

Maybe each human being lives in a unique world, a private world different from those inhabited and experienced by all other humans. . . If reality differs from person to person, can we speak of reality singular, or shouldn’t we really be talking about plural realities?  And if there are plural realities, are some more true (more real) than others?  What about the world of a schizophrenic?  Maybe it’s as real as our world.  Maybe we cannot say that we are in touch with reality and he is not, but should instead say, His reality is so different from ours that he can’t explain his to us, and we can’t explain ours to him.  The problem, then, is that if subjective worlds are experienced too differently, there occurs a breakdown in communication . . . and there is the real illness.   Philip K. Dick

Dream delivers us to dream, and there is no end to illusion.  Life is like a train of moods like a string of beads and, as we pass through them, they prove to be many-colored lenses which paint the world their own hue.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

All problems are illusions of the mind.   Eckhart Tolle

You’re a dream.  Like everything else.  Kelly Creagh

How often, you wonder, has the direction of your life been shaped by misunderstandings?  How many opportunities have you been denied – or, for that matter, awarded – because someone failed to see you properly?  How many friends have you lost, how many have you gained, because they glimpsed some element of your personality that shone through for only an instant, and in circumstances you could never reproduce?  An illusion of water shimmering at the far bend of a highway.   Kevin Brockmeier

There is an old illusion.  It is called good and evil.  Friedrich Nietzsche

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