There will always be some contradiction between the divinity in our hearts and what we are able to actually practice in the world. Russell Simmons
I have created a hashtag #NoResistanceDay. While I try to always practice acceptance and mindful behavior, it helps to have a day in which I commit to productive speech and behavior. I schedule exercise days and work days. Why not days to focus on improving self? #NoResistanceDay is a day that I choose to be positive in the face of perceived negativity. I think “peace” when I feel anger. When I feel irritation, I smile. I turn judgment into perceptions of beauty. (Practicing this makes me conscious of how I form judgments about almost everything I see and hear). I think of praise when I want to criticize. I calm myself when I feel anxious. When I am fearful, I remind myself that I am protected. When I feel lack, I find something for which to give thanks. When I feel hopeless, I tell myself that something awesome is coming my way. On and on.
If you like, use #NoResistanceDay to document your efforts to change your speech and behavior and, therefore, your life!