You Have Everything You Need

Abundance dpmuk

God has given you everything and everyone that will enable you to fulfill your purpose in this lifetime and to learn the lessons that will propel you to your destiny.  We get in our own ways, impede our progress, and give in to despair when we are actually experiencing new birth or tremendous opportunities.

Be patient.  You were given the right family, the right friends, and the right circumstances that will appear and disappear, cause stress, and provide the help that will sustain you when you cannot hold yourself up.  You are being pushed to your highest potential.  Developing any kind of muscle can be painful.  Cultivating spiritual muscle can be challenging because there is not always a tangible goal that can be clearly seen.  As well, the timeline for achievement is indefinite.  The end result seems illusive.

We’re all going through something because we are to evolve into more than what we are.  We are seeds that have to push through the dirt and rocks to give birth to our greatness.  We have to withstand the rain, the wind, and the harsh sun in order to develop strong roots that may blossom into mighty oaks and redwoods.  Then we will stand tall throughout the millennia, ever reaching towards the infinity of our beings.  Remember, the higher the building, the deeper the foundation must be.  What looks like a setback may actually be a setup towards your greatest success.

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