During meditation, I thought about the eternal conflict between human beings. When and how did this begin? A response came that we were created as equals and lived in harmony for some time. Our connection with the Eternal was natural; however, the longer we existed in the material body, the more we began to believe in our individual independence, our individual abilities, and our individual power.
The more we affirmed the belief in separateness from Spirit, the further we drifted away from our knowledge of Oneness. We began to see ourselves and others as different (analogized in the Adam and Eve story where they became aware of and ashamed of their nakedness and left the harmony of the Garden of Eden).
When we lose our connection to that which is Eternal, we cannot see the Eternal in another and, then, cannot see our connection to each other in any respect. This divide gets deeper and deeper over time. We separate from God. We separate from the God in each other. We separate from the other because of appearance, then village, then tribe, region, religion, country and so on until we become so isolated in our minds that we want to separate from ourselves.
Humans have devolved from being wards of land belonging to all to perpetuators of war and death in order to claim and cling to land. What has been gained by polarization? How have we benefited by beliefs that we are different from the other and that we are not interrelated and interconnected?
We are organic beings. We have an innate ability to exist and flourish unimpeded like a plant or mighty tree, fully nourished by the soil, the sun, water, and wind. This organic part of us knows how to survive, what to eat, when and how to move, and when to sleep. When we do not listen to our innate selves, when we push through instead of intuitively listen, we create an imbalance within that proliferates like polluted air.
I learned through yoga that when weak muscles stop functioning, other muscles take over. These eventually become exhausted because they are doing their jobs and that of the weak muscles. Eventually, a particular body part breaks down. When a cell becomes diseased, other healthy cells may be able to neutralize it; but, as with the weak/strong muscles, if the disease persists, the strong cells become weakened.
Our bodies are animalistic. We struggle to balance, moderate, and mediate the destructive parts of ourselves. If we cannot override our animalistic tendencies, they become viral, overtaking the overall health of our beings, our homes, our neighborhoods, our countries, and our world.
Because we are interconnected and interrelated to all that exists, when we become unbalanced, we introduce into and re-enforce non-alignment in the world. Thus, we must learn how to exist harmoniously within ourselves first and foremost so that we don’t cause or contribute to disharmony in the world.
We must know who and what we are and learn to govern ourselves from the Source of our beings. By continuously monitoring unease of any kind, we can pluck weeds as soon as they begin to grow. We can think and be the peace, love, contentment, and fulfillment that we want to see. We can dissipate the clouds of disharmony that are ever hovering, waiting to foster and grow.
How can we flow in and with the present moment, circumstance, and relationship? We can check in with ourselves: where am I? How do I feel? Am I satisfied with that comment that came out of my mouth? How can I transform my reactive behavior? Are my mind, soul, and body in harmony? Listen. Correct. Transform. Learn about and practice mindfulness. Bring peace and patience to every moment. Practice harmony.
We are individualized expressions of the One. Our distinctions are useful for functioning in the material world and interacting on a sense level. They are useful in manifesting the infinitely evolving tapestry that is life. Nevertheless, we must not lose awareness of our innate unity.
We are kernels of sand that are part of waves that make up the oceans that are guided by the moon and the sun that are part of the known universe that is within the infinity of what is unknown and undiscovered. Each of us is a breath that becomes part of the air that enters into other breaths and flowers and trees and the stratosphere above the earth and into space and beyond.
When we begin again to see ourselves as one with all that is, and not simply finite beings existing within one point of time and space, we will reawaken to our transcendency.
This is a great sharing!!! It is exquisitely expressed. The essence of truth in each word penetrates the soul, re-awakening the awareness of what is.
I love this! Thank you for reminding us of how we are unified with every single part of the whole universe – one Divine Source created.